The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
"Get Out -- The Veritas Is Under Attack. Again... By Bill Gates, The Government, And Kenzie Reeves, Who Works For Them, Using The System That Has Connected Everyone's Brains To Steal My Work And My Passwords, Pass It Off As Their Own, And Publicize My Things To Steal By Getting On My Accounts In Secret With Intent To Get Others Criminally Invested In The Thieving From And Of My Intellectual Property, Which Has Already Been Done, Which I Can And Will Be Suing Them All And Swallowing This World Because Of. I'll Let You Know If Anyone Else Ever Does Get 'System Passwords' From Me." - Founder/Owner (Tymon Nikia Bolton II)
The Veritas; The Crystal Dimension
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 La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead

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4 posters
Aeris Tiamat
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Souzenryoku of Wind; Green Flame of Eternity :: Crystal Force of the Crystal Wings
Aeris Tiamat

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La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Empty
PostSubject: La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead   La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead EmptySun Dec 11, 2022 12:23 pm

La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Death_10
"Four Of Diamonds :: Elemental Formation : Peon ; Earth - Ace Of Clubs ~ Mental Action."
-Death Grip-


The Souzenryoku Of Wind, Aeris, Goddess Of Discord. A Spirit Goddess who rules the elements of wind and shadows, and capable of commanding all sorts of discord, including things like fortune. Though oftentimes referred to as Tia (short for Tiamat), she looks like a beautiful pitch black ghost adorned in a long, flowing, oversized, black kimono. Her hair is a royal purple, but has a habit of becoming colors such as black, gold, and green. She is the purified form of the demon Nyake, with her main distinction being her eyes being a metallic golden color, and her voice echoing like a beautiful bell. Her voice has very strange properties, and she doesn't like to speak much, and tends to keep her eyes closed as to not reveal the truth of her nature. When her eyes open, she exudes greater power. She tends to interact by manipulating her hair, as her hands are usually bound by her kimono sleeves, by her own self-restraint. When unrestrained, she becomes Tiamat, the neutral form of Nyake and herself, a Primordial Chaos & Sea Goddess, as well as a mother dragon. She has a ninja apprentice name Shiyoko.

Original Nyake (Furc 2006)

Newer Nyake (2007)

Newest Nyake (2020)
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Grimro, the Pumpkeeper :: Obsidian Darkchrysm; Dark Alice of the Kurogami

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Location : Deadman's Den; Forbidden Hotel -- L'Sia Estate
Job/hobbies : Goddess Of The Zero World; Head Witch - Hostess

La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead   La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead EmptyTue Dec 13, 2022 8:43 am

La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Altar10
"Lawless :: Assist : Ally ; Water - Two Of Spades ~ Spiritual Emanation."

Revelation 8:8 "The Second Angel Sounded His Trumpet, And Something Like A Huge Mountain, All Ablaze, Was Thrown Into The Sea. A Third Of The Sea Turned Into Blood, A Third Of The Living Creatures In The Sea Died, And A Third Of The Ships Were Destroyed."

Revelation 18:21 "Then A Mighty Angel Picked Up A Boulder The Size Of A Large Millstone And Threw It Into The Sea, And Said: 'With Such Violence The Great City of Babylon Will Be Thrown Down, Never To Be Found Again."

Luke 8:30-33 "Jesus Asked Him, 'What Is Your Name?' 'Legion,' He Replied, Because Many Demons Had Gone Into Him. And They Begged Jesus Repeatedly Not TO Order Them To Go Into The Abyss. A Large Herd Of Pigs Was Feeding There On The Mountain. The Demons Begged Jesus To Let Them Go Into The Pigs, And He Gave Them Permission. When The Demons Came Out Of The Man, They Went Into The Pigs, And The Herd Rushed Down The Steep Bank Into The Lake And Was Drowned."

Zechariah 14:4-5 "On That Day His Feet Will Stand On The Mount Of Olives, East Of Jerusalem, And The Mount Of Olives Will Be Split In Two From East To West, Forming A Great Valley, With Half Of The Mountain Moving North And Half Moving South. You Will Flee By My Mountain Valley, For It Will Extend To Azel. You Will Flee As You Fled From The Earthquake In The Days Of Uzziah King Of Judah. Then The Lord My God Will Come, And All The Holy Ones With Me."

Obadiah 1:8-9 "In That Day,' Declared The Lord, 'Will I Not Destroy The Wise Men Of Edom, Those Of Understanding In The Mountains Of Esau? Your Warriors, Teman, Will Be Terrified, And Everyone In Esau's Mountains Will Be Cut Down In The Slaughter."

Amos 4:1-3 "Hear This Word, You Cows Of Bashan On Mount Samaria, You Women Who Oppress The Poor And Crush The Needy And Say To Your Husbands, 'Bring Us Some Drinks!' The Sovereign Lord Has Sworn By His Holiness: 'The Time Will Surely Come When You Will Be Taken Away With Hooks, The Last Of You With Fishhooks. You Will Each GO Straight Out Through Breaches In The Wall, And You Will Be Cast Out Toward Harmon,' Declares The Lord."

Daniel 2:35 "Then The Iron, The Clay, The Bronze, The Silver And The Gold Were All Broken To Pieces And Became Like Chaff On A Threshing Floor In The Summer. The Wind Swept Them Away Without Leaving A Trace. But The Rock That Struck The Statue Became A Huge Mountain And Filled The Whole Earth."

Ezekiel 38:20-21 "The Fish In The Sea, The Birds In The Sky, The Beasts Of The Field, Every Creature That Moves Along The Ground, And All The People On The Face Of The Earth Will Tremble At My Presence. The Mountains Will Be Overturned, The Cliffs Will Crumble And Every Wall Will Fall To The Ground. I Will Summon A Sword Against Gog On All My Mountains, Declares The Sovereign Lord. Every Man's Sword Will Be Against His Brother."

Ezekiel 35:7-8 "I Will Make Mount Seir A Desolate Waste And Cut Off From It All Who Come And Go. I Will Fill Your Mountains With The Slain; Those Killed By The Sword Will Fall On Your Hills And In Your Valleys And In All Your Ravines. I Will Make You Desolate Forever; Your Towns Will Not Be Inhabited. Then You Will Know That I Am The Lord."
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Crystal World :: Goddess Of The Veritas
Crystal World :: Goddess Of The Veritas

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La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead   La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead EmptyThu Dec 15, 2022 2:11 am

La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Public10
"Lawless :: Rook (Purple) : Water ; Technique - Torpex."
-Public Execution-

Revelation 20:13 "The Sea Gave Up The Dead That Were In It, Ad Death And Hades Gave Up The Dead That Were In Them, Ad Each Person Was Judged According To What They Had Done."

'Shinkaerei Veritas' is 'The Veritas,' the 'Planet.' Her Name is Tinasanti. All events, mechanics, energy and forms of matter are part of and dictated by the Veritas, known as Absolute Energy. She is learning how to sustain life using the power of her ancient spirit, the Lost Soul; Kaerei, to help guide she and her family toward Universal Harmony. She learns from anything and everything and sends out her doll form, Shina, to go interact with the world in more obscure ways than just the planet's occurrences. She has power over all Karma. The Myst is the Veritas' 'Life Energy'; Enigmas is the 'Creative Energy'.
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Grimlyn, the Pumpkid :: Crystal Arachnegon; Kurogami of the Dawn

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La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead   La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead EmptyFri Mar 10, 2023 6:05 pm

La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Psychi10
March 7, 2023 @ 4:45 AM: "... You Shouldn't Have Told Me That. Mindfucking Is My Specialty..."
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La Fille En Feu; The Mountain Of The Dead Empty
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